Healing Beyond Trauma

Trauma Therapy for women professionals

In the blink of an eye, traumatic experiences can alter your life.

Life has taken an unexpected turn, leaving you feeling different, confused, and scared. You might question whether you'll ever regain your sense of self or ever feel good again. Or perhaps the changes in your life weren't overnight, but your pain has grown with time. It's possible your life has been shaped by numerous subtle yet painful experiences. You might question if it qualifies as "trauma" or is just normal everyday life.

Whether it was a significant event or a series of smaller ones, you may wake up to a life that isn’t what you wanted.  Maybe you’re not the person you know you could be. You have a deep sense that there must be more to life than this. However, the path to get there might be unclear.

Maybe you often are:

  • Feeling on edge, jumpy, or constantly looking out for danger?

  • Feeling worn out, tired, or just numb?

  • Feeling panicked, stressed out, or easily overwhelmed?

  • Dealing with flashbacks, nightmares, or bad images that you can’t get out of your head?

  • Struggling to focus, get things done, or recall important details?

  • Noticing that you aren’t able to have fun or enjoy life?

Your current experience is just a chapter; there's more to the story.

how i can help

Unburden the past for a more hopeful tomorrow.

I help women professionals struggling with painful past experiences learn how navigate big emotions connected to the past so that they can be fully present today and find inner peace. You have already lived through some of the most painful experiences in your life. Through therapy, we can hold space to heal through these painful experiences and step towards gaining control of your life again!

Trauma can cause our brains to store information in a way that leads us to feel like the event is happening again, that it’s unsafe, or prompts us to avoid certain things or thoughts. This isn't a sign of a defective brain, but rather its attempt to shield us from further stress. When overwhelmed by trauma, our brains tend to store information in this manner. EMDR therapy can help shift this maladaptive information processing to an adaptive part of the brain, reducing symptoms of trauma and allowing for a more liberated life. If you are interested in learning more about EMDR Therapy, feel free to check out this webpage.

I want you to know:

Change is possible.

Let’s work together to reclaim your story and rediscover joy.

imagine if you…

Feel safe in your body and the world around you.

Are at ease with the emotional burden tied to past situations or fears regarding what's to come.

Are able to find a path forward for your life.

Ready to get started?

Let’s write the next chapter of your story.