Breaking Free from Anxiety & Depression

Therapy for burned out & stressed women professionals

Your mind feels like a rollercoaster ride, looping with no end in sight.

You frequently find yourself going non-stop with your mind still racing even after the end of a long day. Worries about various things keep swirly around your mind despite trying all efforts to ease these concerns. Despite your efforts, worries persist, leading to a short emotional fuse. Even late at night, when you seek relief through sleep, your mind continues to race with concerns. You often are worried about the unknown and future ahead. You’re often tense and notice that your carry your tension throughout your body.

Or maybe you are noticing the opposite- negative self-talk and excessive guilt about past actions or events are weighing you down. You feel fatigued and no motivation to do basic tasks or even you activities that you previously enjoyed. You find that you are sleeping to little or to much. You find that you can’t imagine life without feeling down or sad.

You’re tired of feeling caught in this cycle:

  • difficulty getting out of your head

  • difficulty relaxing and being able to enjoy life

  • always wondering if you are doing things ‘right’ or if things will change

  • often doubting yourself

  • concerned about other’s opinions about you

how i can help

Transforming Struggles into Strengths

Anxiety and depression can often feel like you are stuck in a rut. Often it can be the internal chatter that is holding you back from finding relief.

I help women professionals cope with stress and burnout to be able to better deal with their emotions and allow them to be present for themselves and others. Through therapy, we can explore what thinking patterns and behaviors have contributed towards your anxiety and depression. Therapy can help you by learning healthy, more useful ways of coping with big emotions so that you may feel more relaxed, present, and begin to enjoy life.

I want you to know:

Change is possible.

Let’s work together to find ways to ease your mind

imagine if you…

Can make decisions with ease and confidence

Have improved sleep and overall physical wellbeing

Are able to enjoy fun activities again

Ready to get started?

Let’s shift that internal chatter