Your Identity Matters: Racial Identity

Therapy for BIPOC professionals

In certain environments and situations, your racial experiences are often downplayed or ignored.

As a BIPOC professional, you have worked so hard to get to where you are at but you are EXHAUSTED. Tired of being the tokenized person of color in various spaces. Weary of often fighting the internal voice of doubt who often questions your own abilities.

Or maybe you are are a first or second generation kid who has had to interweave the expectations of the mainstream culture and the culture of your family. You often feel confused and overwhelmed by trying to figure out who you are and where you belong culturally. It may feel like you are going through an identity crisis, not sure who you are or where you really belong.

Or maybe you grieve the loss of culture due to generations within your family trying to adapt to survive in mainstream culture. It's a lot to handle, and sometimes it feels like you're losing a part of yourself along the way.

You’re tired of feeling caught in this cycle:

  • Often feeling that others are quick to dismiss the impact of microagressions in the workplace

  • Struggling to find where you belong culturally

  • Feeling weighed down from painful memories that are racially charged

how i can help

Specialized support for Racial Identity Exploration

I help BIPOC professionals navigate life stressors, micro-aggressions, and racial trauma so that they can overcome imposter syndrome by learning how to stop doubting themselves.

As a woman of color, I enjoy supporting other professional Black, Brown, Indigenous, People of Color who are wanting to reset and begin their healing journey. Navigating the intersectionality of being BIPOC can take a toll on us, and it’s important that we find a space to just be. Taking the leap to start counseling can be a scary step, but it’s one of the most beneficial ways a person can invest in themselves and pour back into ourselves.

I help BIPOC individuals who are wanting relief from:

  • acculturation issues

  • cultural and systemic oppression

  • first generation issues/ challenges

  • historical/ intergenerational trauma

  • imposter syndrome

  • internalized racism

  • racial traumatic experiences

I want you to know:

You don’t have to navigate this alone

Let’s work together to come back home to yourself by exploring your racial and cultural identity in therapy

imagine if you…

Could reclaim your agency and take back control in the face of racial oppression.

Could navigate racial dynamics in relationships more effectively by setting boundaries and assert your needs.

Could increase your self-esteem and confidence by understanding and appreciating your own identity

Ready to get started?

You’re worth taking up space