Modern support for the modern professional

You’re tired of struggling with the same things over and over again.

As a professional, time is money, and mental well-being is invaluable. You’re motivated to start feeling better, but either can’t find a therapist who is accepting new clients or have been waitlisted for weeks (even months)

Maybe you are experiencing:

  • Intense emotions that stay stuck in your body

  • Intense negative thoughts that are diminishing your self-confidence

  • Trauma triggers disrupting your ability to be present in daily life and relationships

  • Worries and fear of the unknowns of the future

  • Fear of losing it all due to being a first generation achiever

EMDR Intensives is an accelerated form of therapy that gives you the space to do the deeper work with uninterrupted time, in order to feel better faster.

In a fast paced world, the traditional therapy model has evolved to meet your needs.

EMDR Intensives is a modern approach for those that want flexibility in how they are supported.

how i can help

EMDR Intensives can help you feel better faster.

Unlock deep healing in days, not weeks, with the targeted approach of EMDR Intensive. Tailored for specific goals or concerns, major life events, or overcoming obstacles, this accelerated experience saves you time and resources.

This is not your traditional weekly therapy; EMDR Intensives is an investment in yourself for a sustainable and empowered future. Tap into your full potential with faster progress and deeper healing in a concentrated setting.

What is an EMDR Intensive?

EMDR Intensives is a concentrated way to accelerate the healing that you would experience in a typical EMDR session. Instead of the traditional weekly format of 50-minute sessions, we dedicate a block of time, whether it's in one full day or spread across multiple days. You get the full impact of EMDR without interruptions between sessions, making it a concentrated and effective approach to healing.

How does an EMDR Intensive work?

Before our EMDR intensive, we will meet for a Pre-Intensive Interview in order to discuss the goal or what you are hoping to see shift through the intensive. We will take a look at what your present day life look like (stressors, ways you cope, your support system, and where you would like to see relief, growth, or a shift). During the EMDR Intensive, we will begin to work on decreasing the painful/ stressful things in your life through EMDR Reprocessing and resourcing activities (guided meditations, grounding/ relaxation exercises, and more) by incorporating bilateral stimulation used in EMDR. This is a personal and customized treatment approach to you. After the EMDR Intensive, we will meet for a Post-Intensive Interview to reflect on what moments were most insightful and meangingful for you and how you can incorporate this to your life moving forward.

EMDR Therapy can help with a variety of issues. I help individuals that are wanting to see relief from:

  • anxiety and phobias

  • burnout in helping professionals

  • childhood/ attachment trauma or painful childhood experiences

  • depression and negative self talk

  • racial trauma

  • recent event trauma

  • self-esteem and confidence concerns

  • stress management

  • sexual trauma

  • vicarious/ secondary trauma

EMDR Intensives can help you with:

I want you to know:

Change is possible.

Craving rapid relief from your concerns? Explore the option of a therapy intensive.

What does an EMDR intensive include?

Pre-Intensive Intake Session

In this 90-minute session, we'll talk about your goals for the EMDR Intensive, preparing for the experience by pinpointing memories, beliefs, emotions, or images you want relief from.

Personalized Treatment Workbook

Before our intensive session, you'll receive a workbook with assessments and activities to prep you. You can utilize this workbook to easily track your progress toward treatment goals before, during, and after every session.

Customized Treatment Program

Experience your virtual EMDR Intensive in 1-3 days, with 3-hour sessions tailored just for you, featuring targeted treatment and personalized resource activities.

Post-Intensive Interview Session

In a 90-minute session, we'll reflect on your experience, highlighting insights and areas of relief and transformation. We'll also discuss your next steps for ongoing growth and healing.

Options & Investment


    • 8 hour program*

    • 6 face-to-face hours

    • Resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook

    • Weekday & weekend availability

  • starting at $2,120


    • 11 hour program*

    • 9 face-to-face hours

    • Resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook

    • Weekday & weekend availability

  • starting at $2,915


    • 14 hour program*

    • 12 face-to-face hours

    • Resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook

    • Weekday & weekend availability

  • $4,295

*Total program hours include your 90 minute pre intensive, your 90 minute post intensive sessions, your 3 hour intensive session(s) and 2 hours review of your completed treatment workbook by your therapist. Additional hours may be added to your intensive at the discretion and availability of your therapist.


A time efficient AND cost effective approach to therapy



  • 10-15 MINUTES: checking in from the previous session

  • 20-30 MINUTES: EMDR reprocessing and resourcing

  • 10-15 MINUTES: wrapping up/ closing out the session

  • TOTAL TIME SPENT: 50 - 60 minute session

    = COST $185-200+* for one session

With this approach, it could take upwards of a month (meeting weekly for 4 weeks) in order to address just one specific issue through EMDR.

RUNNING TALLY: $740 - $1000+*

BUT, life happens between sessions! You might find that you may need space to process other things that are popping up in life, which can further shift away from the initial stressors you began to address through EMDR therapy.

Though this can be an effective approach to therapy, you are likely to spend months, precious time, and pay thousands of dollars for an issue(s) you are wanting relief from RIGHT NOW.

TOTAL: $1000 X # of months in therapy = $$$ spent

*cost will vary based on session length



  • 10-15 MINUTES: checking in and establishing focus of the session

  • 150-160 MINUTES: EMDR reprocessing and resourcing

  • 10-15 MINUTES: wrapping up/ closing out the session

  • TOTAL TIME SPENT: 180 minute session

    = COST $2,120*

In a span of just half a day, you could resolve one or several stressors. In just 2-3 hours of EMDR reprocessing, you are able to get double the impact of traditional therapy sessions. Why is this amazing? Because this process allows you to achieve significant progress in a shorter timeframe, ultimately resulting in fewer therapy sessions overall.

You can feel better sooner and faster.

*cost will vary based on EMDR intensive package that will best fit your needs

Simply put, opting for an EMDR Intensive will save you money, time, and help you feel better sooner.


Common questions about EMDR Intensives

  • 1-Day (Weekday) EMDR Intensive $2,120

    1-Day (Weekend) EMDR Intensive $2,315

    6 face-to-face hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook

    2-Day (Weekday) EMDR Intensive $2,920

    2-Day (Weekend) EMDR Intensive $3,305

    9 face-to-face hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook

    3-Day (Weekend) EMDR Intensive $4,295

    12 face-to-face hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook

  • EMDR Intensives give you the benefits of months of therapy in just a few days, and ends up being more cost-effective than weekly sessions. So, instead of waiting for months, you can see the same results in a much shorter time.

  • Absolutely! It’s recommended that individuals seeking out EMDR Intensives be engaged in ongoing individual therapy, whether that is with me or with another provider. If your therapist is interested in learning more about adding Adjunct EMDR Therapy Services to your ongoing individual therapy, feel free to share this link.

  • Great question! This depends on your goals for the EMDR Intensive. Some goals can be reached in a 1 Day Intensive (3 hours), but other goals are more complex and may require a 3 Day Intensive or continued intensive work.* I can help you determine the number of days that would work best for your therapy goals.

    *Depending on the complexity of the issue being addressed through in an intensive, some clients chose to continue to work on their trauma histories through monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly half-day intensives.

  • Interested in learning more about EMDR intensives and if this is the right service for you? Schedule a free consultation here.

Ready for the benefits of an EMDR Intensive?

Let’s accelerate your healing!